Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Lamic2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Lamic2 - Essay Example b. The U.S. Department of Labor provides a comparison of the federal minimum wage and different state minimum wages at Minimum Wage Laws in the States. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics provides updated information on average wages, by state, at 2000 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates. Compare the average wages of waiters in Texas, New York, and one state with a minimum wage below the federal level (this will be found in the category "Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations"). If the minimum wage were to go up by $0.50, where do you think it would have the greatest effect on restaurant costs? on unemployment? What does this tell you about what stage in the business cycle (for example, during a recession or during a boom) an increase in the minimum wage is more likely to be approved? Ans: The average wage of a waiter per hour is $6.66 in Texas, $8.16 in New York, and $7.11 in Wyoming. If the minimum wage were to go up by $0.50, it would have the greatest effec t on the state that offers the lowest minimum wage which is Texas. On the other hand, the increase would have the greatest effect on unemployment on restaurant costs of states whose minimum wage is below the federal level, which, in this case is Wyoming. ... On the other hand, costs for users are usually higher because the supply of contraband substances are usually low. If this substance were legal, producers would incur higher costs and users would enjoy a lower price for it. 2. Lesson 8 3. Graphing the Demand Curve (21 points) Imagine that the owner of your favorite veggie taco stand changes the price of a tacos randomly each day. How many tacos you eat each day depends only on the price that day, not on the previous price or which day it is. You cannot store tacos. Fill out the following demand chart using your own preferences for tacos, that is, if the price is as indicated at left, how many tacos will you buy? Remember, use your own preferences. The answers will depend on how much you like tacos, how hungry you are at lunchtime, and how much money you want to spend for lunch. There is no right or wrong answer. Price of a 4 oz. regular taco How many tacos will you eat at this price? 0.00 Â  3 0.25 Â  2 0.50 Â  2 1.00 Â  1 1.50 à ‚  1 2.00 Â  1 2.50 Â  1 4.00 Â  1 10.00 Â  0 a. Graph your demand function, placing price on the vertical axis. Is your demand for tacos linear? What happens to the relationship as price increases? Ans: The demand for tacos has a more exponential relationship with price, rather than linear. As price increases, demand for tacos approaches zero. b. Is there a positive or negative relationship between price and your demand for tacos? Does the slope get steeper or flatter as price increases more? Ans: There is a negative relationship between price and my demand for tacos. The slope gets steeper as price increases. 4. Choosing Optimal Consumption (28 points) Microeconomics, Chapter 7, Problem

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Neolithic and Industrial Revolutions Essay Example for Free

The Neolithic and Industrial Revolutions Essay The two changes in the use of the earths resources that had the greatest effect on the world population were the Neolithic and the industrial revolutions. The Neolithic revolution (a.k.a. agricultural revolution) was a change in the way of life of our ancestors. It took place about 8000 years ago among various tribes in Asia and the Middle East. It included a transition from foraging and hunting to the domestication of animals (most probably starting with the dog) and to farming. Tribes settled in fertile areas and formed agricultural communities many of which grew into villages and cities. This relatively stable way of life and the more reliable food supply (and surplus) led to the development of new professions, to labor specialization and ultimately to the stratification of these societies. Improved conditions of life led to somewhat longer life spans. Nevertheless population growth remained low due to high infant mortality rates. The impact of the Neolithic revolution was not as much on immediate population growth (even though it did have a long term impact on population growth) as on the material and spiritual development of the human race. It is widely regarded as the beginning of civilization. Industrial revolution was another process of change. It was the process of substituting muscle power with machine power. It took place in the 18th century in Europe and is still happening in many parts of the world. In many characteristics it has been similar to the Neolithic revolution: it increased production, it led to the use of resources that had been mostly unused until then and it improved the overall quality of life. It also led to changes in the structure of society. What was different was its impact on population growth. It was quick and easily noticeable. Advanced sanitation, hygiene and medicine led to longer life spans and declining death rates, with the birth rates remaining high. This resulted in a high rate of population growth that still continues in many countries. The information revolution is the process of change that began in the second half of the 20th century in the developed countries of the world. It is the process of substituting brain power with machine power. It leads to increased production and has the potential to create a more even distribution of the worlds population on the surface of the earth. It also has the potential to decrease the differences between the less developed and the highly developed nations of the world. Then again it also has the potential to increase those differences. It causes changes in the structure of society. Many of its impacts are still to be experienced. Environmental Revolution means In view of some, a coming change in the adaptation of human to the rising deterioration of the environment. The Environmental Revolution will purportedly bring about sustainable interactions with the environment. Revolutions suggest overthrowing something, and indeed, what is involved is an overthrow of prevalent attitudes toward over economy and the environment. This does not have to be a violent revolution; it could take place so peacefully that it would take a future generation to look back and realize that a major revolution had occurred. We can choose to undergo the changes necessary to achieve sustainability by planning properly and learning as we go, or we can ignore the signs of unsustainability and increase our impact on the environment by driving bigger cars ( and more of them), living in bigger houses, flying off to more vacations, and, in general, expecting to enjoy more of everything. And the developing world, as it tries desperately to catch up to our living standards, could make the same mistakes we are making, with devastating consequences because there so many more people there than in the developed world. If we choose to ignore the signs that our current practices are unsustainable, a different kind of environmental revolution will be thrust upon us by the inability of the environment to support an irresponsible human population. Biogeochemical cycles In the carbon cycle, the key events are the complementary reactions of  respiration and photosynthesis. Respiration takes carbohydrates and oxygen and combines them to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy. Photosynthesis (6CO + 12H O + Light Energy C H O + 6O +6H O) takes carbon dioxide and water and produces carbohydrates and oxygen. The outputs of respiration are the inputs of photosynthesis, and the outputs of photosynthesis are the inputs of respiration. The reactions are also complementary in the way they deal with energy. Photosynthesis takes energy from the sun and stores it in the carbon-carbon bonds of carbohydrates; respiration releases that energy. Both plants and animals carry on respiration, but only plants and other producers can carry on photosynthesis. The chief reservoirs for carbon dioxide are in the oceans and in rock. Carbon dioxide dissolves readily in water. Once there, it may precipitate as a solid rock known as calcium carbonate. Corals and algae encourage this reaction and build up limestone reefs in the process. On land and in the water, plants take up carbon dioxide and convert it into carbohydrates through photosynthesis. This carbon in the plants now has 3 possible endings. It can be returned to the atmosphere by the plant through respiration; it can be eaten by an animal, or it can be present in the plant when the plant dies. Animals obtain all their carbon in their food, and, thus, all carbon in biological systems ultimately comes from plants. In the animal, the carbon also has the same 3 possible endings. Carbon from plants or animals that is released to the atmosphere through respiration will either be taken up by a plant in photosynthesis or dissolved in the oceans. When an animal or a plant dies, two things can happen to the carbon in it. It can either be respired by decomposers or released to the atmosphere, or it can be buried intact and ultimately form coal, oil, or natural gas (fossil fuels). The fossil fuels can be mined and burned in the future; releasing carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Otherwise, the carbon in limestone or other sediments can only be released to the atmosphere when they are sub ducted and brought to volcanoes, or when they are pushed to the surface and slowly weathered away. Humans have a great impact on the carbon cycle because when we burn fossil fuels we release excess carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This means that more carbon dioxide goes into the oceans, and more is present in the atmosphere. This causes global warming, because the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere allows more energy to reach the  Earth from the sun than it allows escaping from the Earth into space. Phosphorus has only one form, phosphate. This molecule never makes its way into the atmosphere; it is always part of an organism, dissolved in water, or in the form of rock. When rock with phosphate is exposed to water, the rock is weathered out and goes into solution. Plants get phosphorus from the soil, after the water washes it into the ground. Animals obtain their phosphorous from the plants they eat. Animals may also use phosphorous as a component of bones, teeth and shells. When animals or plants die, the phosphate may be returned to the soil or water by the decomposers. There, it can be taken up by another plant and used again. This cycle will occur over and over until at last the phosphorous is lost at the bottom of the deepest parts of the ocean, where it becomes part of the sedimentary rocks forming there. Ultimately, this phosphorous will be released if the rock is brought to the surface and weathered. Two types of animals play a unique role in the phosphorous cycle. Humans often mine rock rich in phosphorous. For instance, in Florida, which was once sea floor, there are extensive phosphate mines. The phosphate is then used as fertilizer. This mining of phosphate and use of the phosphate as fertilizer greatly accelerates the phosphorous cycle and may cause local overabundance of phosphorous, particularly in coastal regions, at the mouths of rivers, and anyplace where there is a lot of sewage released into the water. Local abundance of phosphate can cause overgrowth of algae in the water; the algae can use up all the oxygen in the water and kill other aquatic life. This is called eutrophication. The other animals that play a unique role in the phosphorous cycle are marine birds. These birds take phosphorous containing fish out of the ocean and return to land, where they defecate. Their guano contains high levels of phosphorous and in this way marine birds return phosphorous from the ocean to the land. The guano is often mined and may form the basis of the economy in some areas. Nitrogen gas in the atmosphere is composed of two nitrogen atoms bound to each other. It is a pretty non-reactive gas; it takes a lot of energy to get nitrogen gas to break up and combine with other things, such as carbon or oxygen. Nitrogen gas can be taken from the atmosphere in two ways. First,  lightning provides enough energy to burn the nitrogen and fix it in the form of nitrate. This process is duplicated in fertilizer factories to produce nitrogen fertilizers. The other form of nitrogen fixation is by nitrogen fixing bacteria, which use special enzymes instead of the extreme amount of energy found in lightning to fix nitrogen. These nitrogen-fixing bacteria come in three forms: some are free-living in the soil; some form symbiotic, mutualistic associations with the roots of bean plants and other legumes; and the third form of nitrogen-fixing bacteria are the photosynthetic cyanobacteria which are found most commonly in water. All of these fix nitrogen, either in the form of nitrate or in the form of ammonia. Most plants can take up nitrate and convert it to amino acids. Animals acquire all of their amino acids when they eat plants or other animals. When plants or animals die or release waste, the nitrogen is returned to the soil. The usual form of nitrogen returned to the soil in animal wastes or in the output of the decomposers, is ammonia. Ammonia is rather toxic, but, fortunately there are nitrite bacteria in the soil and in the water which take up ammonia and convert it to nitrite. Nitrite is also somewhat toxic, but another type of bacteria, nitrate bacteria, takes nitrite and converts it to nitrate, which can be taken up by plants to continue the cycle. Then, to return the nitrogen back to the air, there is denitrifying bacteria in the soil which takes the nitrate and combines the nitrogen back into nitrogen gas. Natural ecosystems The good and services provided by natural ecosystems are not easily seen in the market (meaning the market economy that normally allows us to place value on things) or may not be in the market at all. Thus, things such as clean air to breathe, the formation of soil, the breakdown of pollutants, and the like never pass through the market economy. People are often not even aware of their importance. Because of this, these things undervalued or not valued at all. The functioning of natural ecosystems provides services essential to human survival. Collectively, these services maintain the Earth in a state that can support life. Ecosystem services maintain the atmosphere, provide clean water, control soil erosion, pollution and pests,  pollinate plants, and much more. Consider the atmosphere. Terrestrial animals need air with the correct balance of gases, which includes at least 20% oxygen. Oxygen is provided by plants and algae through photosynthesis. So clearing vegetation and polluting the ocean may threaten the very air we breathe. Water is also essential for survival. The water cycle of rain and evaporation is partly controlled by vegetation. For example, forests can affect entire regional climates because they pump enough water from the soil to the air, causing more rainfall. Large-scale deforestation could cause serious drying of regional climates. Reference: Richard T. Wright (2005) Environmental Science toward a Sustainable Future. Upper Saddle River, N.J. Pearson Prentice Hall 9th edition

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Great Depression And The Bay Area.... :: essays research papers

The Great Depression progressively got worse and then progressively got better. Coming in and out of the depression was not an over night thing, It included lots of planning and action. There were a few major causes of the Great Depression,. The United states had three consecutive conservative presidents in the 1920's Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover. They all believed in mechanization which in turn put thousands of people out of work, and the trickle down theory where the money that the rich spent was supposed to somehow make it’s way though the system to the poor. The money never made it so the poor had to find some way to get money and that was through loans from the banks. The poor had no way of making money which made it close to impossible to pay back the loans plus the interest thus, beginning the ban and loan crisis. Banks were closing rapidly because of the money loss. This led to the concentration of wealth the top two percent of the US owned sixty percent of the money and the rest of the people were poor. Mechanization caused massive over production which put the US in a strain because of it’s lack of consumers. So they cut production and raised prices which was still ineffective. With food being too expensive work, and housing was scarce the poor were forced to make housing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With a combination of mechanization, conservative presidents, concentration of the wealth because of the trickle down theory, and higher taxes on the poor, the poor worked harder and steadily got poorer. Mexican Americans got deported during the depression because they felt that they were taking all the jobs. Hoover’s response to the Depression was shaped his conservative Republican ideas. He thought that the poor were lazy and that the rich became rich because they worked hard. The believed in â€Å"Big Business†, and that the money would â€Å"trickle down† if the poor worked harder. He thought that the Depression would solve itself. He thought that big business would end the depression. So that’s why he didn’t take actions sooner in the Depression. Hoover waited too long to take action thus, resulting in him getting blamed for the Depression Roosevelt, unlike the presidents before him took action in an attempt to end the depression. When Roosevelt took office in 1933, the country was in the middle of the Great Depression.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Torquato Tasso :: Essays Papers

Torquato Tasso The life of Torquato Tasso (1544-1595) can at best be called unfortunate. Born in Sorrento on the eleventh of March to Bernardo Tasso, himself a poet of some esteem and a member of the very minor nobility, Torquato was able to benefit from the education that was available to those of his station. He studied at the court of Duke Guibaldo II delle Rovere of Urbino until 1560, when, at his father's request, he left to study law and philosophy at the University of Padua. It was during this time that Torquato Tasso (Tasso) wrote his first major romantic poem â€Å"Rinaldo†, which dealt with the stories of Charlemagne. Tasso's father, upon reading this manuscript relieved Tasso of his legal and philosophical studies so that he might further explore and develop his poetic talents. Thus, Tasso enrolled at the University of Bologna in 1563, and after three years of study, became a courtier of Cardinal Luigi d’Este at Ferrara, under whose patronage, Tasso thrived in what could probably be called the happiest years of his life. Later, he entered into the service of the Cardinal's brother, Alfonso II, duke of Ferrara. It was at this time that Tasso produced his â€Å"L'Aminta† and his masterwork about the First Crusade, La Gerusalemme liberata (Jerusalem Delivered), which was completed between 1559 and 1575. However, it was through this work that Tasso's life and work would no longer be his to control. While in the process of completing his masterpiece, Tasso sent out portions to his friends and other critics for their evaluations and suggestions. The responses that he received were altogether unfavorable and the work was very harshly criticized, even to the point that some of the clergy dubbed Tasso a heretic for writing it. Tasso, sensitive to this criticism, fell into an unhealthy state of depression and melancholy and was prone to fits of irritability and instability. His condition was made worse by the knowledge that some of the critics who had criticized his work began to publish pieces of it publicly. His condition at one point reached such a state that one night in 1577 Tasso stabbed one of his servants who he believed to be spying on him. After this incident, Tasso was jailed but later escaped and fled to his sister's house in Sorrento.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Characteristics of a White Collar Criminal Essay

Anyone that has taken a class or even worked a â€Å"hint† of a white collar crimes understands that Edwin H. Sutherland is responsible for coining the term. In his book, White Collar Crime, Sutherland defines white collar crime as â€Å"[a]pproximately as a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation.† (Benson & Simpson, 2009 ) While that definition may have held true in when he made the public definition in 1939, there are many examples in modern times that would argue against Dr. Sutherland’s characterization of the white collar criminal. In her paper to the U.S. Justice Department, Cynthia Barnett explains that even though the definition of white collar crime is , â€Å"hotly contested†, there appears to be three major categories white collar crime fits into. Those crimes are categorized by either the type of offender, the type of offense and those based upon organizational structure rather than offender or offense (Barnett, 2000). Barnett’s statement alone should tell us that the characteristics of a white collar criminal may be far too long of a list to generate. According to Barnett, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has decided to define white collar crime as â€Å"[t]hose illegal acts which are characterized by deceit, concealment, or violation of trust and which are not dependent upon the application or threat of physical force or violence. Individuals and organizations commit these acts to obtain money, property, or services; to avoid the payment or loss of money or services; or to secure personal or business advantage† (Barnett, 2000). With a slight understanding of what white collar crime is, it is important  to highlight the characteristics of the typical white collar offender in order to establish profile when conducting an investigation. Reverting to what we have learned in previous psychology classes, we know that there are dozens of traits in an individual’s personality. It is virtually impossible to narrow down exactly which one(s) produce fraudulent behavior. Obviously, there are red flags that stick out for every behavior trait. It is important for business executives to be able to recognize or have trained personnel who can recognize these traits and develop appropriate risk management plans. According to Bauwens and Egan, there are five personality traits that are common between most individuals. Rather than define them all, it is most important to note that people who possess all five traits are what many would consider as â€Å"normal†. Those who exhibit more conscientiousness and agreeableness have the most direct influence on whether executives will or will not participate in fraudulent activity (Bauwens & Egan). According to our text, there are other characteristics that the â€Å"common† white collar offender may exhibit. White collar offenders tend to be, on average, sum 10 years older than non-violent offenders who commit common crimes (Benson & Simpson, 2009). While there are probably many theories why this may be, one could conclude that business executives may spend many years working their way up the corporate ladder and into a position opportunity. Another characteristic Benson and Simpson note is that many white collar offenders are college graduates. Again, many theories are possible; it can be assumed that a higher level of education must be achieved in order to move into a position of opportunity. Finally, it is important to consider the rate of employment between white collar offenders and offenders of non-violent, common crimes. In order to commit many of the offenses that are considered white collar, the offender must be employed by or have an extremely close relationship of trust with the victim organization. Therefore, steady employment is a necessity in order for the white collar offender to be successful. For many of the non-violent common offenders, their crimes are their employment. It can be  said that when a common criminal wakes up each day and begins committing their crimes, they are actually going to work. References Barnett, C. U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division. (2000). The measurement of white-collar crime using uniform crime reporting (ucr) data. Retrieved December 8, 2013, from website: Bauwens, A., & Egan, V. (n.d.). Are white-collar criminals a homogeneous or hetrogeneous group?. Home Team Journal, 91-101. Retrieved December 8, 2013, from Benson, M., & Simpson, S. (2009). White-collar crime. (pp. 5-32). New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

5 of the Best Cities to Find a Job in Right Now

5 of the Best Cities to Find a Job in Right Now According to experts, the economy that began to slide in 2007 hit a low in 2009 is rebounding. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported job openings nationwide now exceed the peak experienced before the recession. In fact, in June 2015, 5.2 million job opportunities were available. While the the nation as a whole is on this upswing, some cities  are ahead of the pack. That’s useful news- learning where jobs are plentiful may be useful when looking for employment.Criteria Used to Determine RecoverySix years after the official end of the recession, economic indicators show that while the nation as a whole is recovering, some cities have not kept pace. Conversely, others are experiencing a robust economy with a healthy job market. Parameters including  a lower unemployment rate since 2009, along with increased wages and an overall growth in jobs, gives some cities a better economic standing than others.Cities With the Highest Job GrowthWhile the best cities to get a job are sp read across the country, certain regions have shown growth as a whole. Four of the top cities are in Texas, three are in North Carolina and one each is in Florida, California, Utah, Iowa, Oklahoma, and Missouri. Looking at some of these cities over the period 2009 to 2012 provides a glimpse into their favorable economic picture.Texas CitiesUnemployment in Midland decreased by 35.71 percent since 2009, and average home values increased by 21.67 percent. Disposable income grew by 13.84 percent. Jobs here  are centered in the oil industry.Odessa showed a 43.4 percent decrease in unemployment along with a median home value increase of 5.87 percent, and median income here grew by 20.39 percent. Jobs in Odessa are found in mining, construction and retail services. San Angelo had a 35.48 drop in unemployment with a corresponding 11.45 percent rise in income. The medium home value here increased by 20.92 percent. Employment in San Angelo is linked to trade and transportation, health care,   jobs in education, and business service jobs. Overall, the Air Force base and schools are the top employers.Fargo, North DakotaUnemployment in this northern tier state fell by 34.48 percent, and median income grew by 18.71 percent. Median home values grew by 13.30 percent from 2009 to 2012. Top industries here include health care, education, transportation, manufacturing, and food processing. Two large employers include the state university and health care jobs with Sanford Health.Chattanooga, TennesseeThe city of Chattanooga has seen a 29.89 percent decrease in unemployment since 2009. Household income has jumped by 13.54 percent while the cost of housing has jumped by 14.04 percent. Retail sales have grown during the years 2009 to 2012.While recovery is happening in cities and towns across the country, a robust location may be a deciding factor if you’re searching for a thriving town in which to plant to your roots. Depending on your situation and ability to move, look ing at job growth from this perspective might  help you narrow (or change!) your desired industry and consider a life in a new town.Using TheJobNetwork to find your next job lets you put in criteria limiting or widening your search. Entering your qualifications, job sector and geographic location makes it possible to target the job you want in an area where jobs are plentiful. This job search platform does the rest and alerts you by email when jobs become available. Doing research into the top employers in an area and the job outlook may help you find what you need.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Mayan History

MAYAN HISTORY The Maya are probably the best-known of the classical civilizations of Mesoamerica. Originating in the Yucatan around 2600 B.C., they rose to prominence around A.D. 250 in present-day southern Mexico, Guatemala, western Honduras, El Salvador, and northern Belize. Building on the inherited inventions and ideas of earlier civilizations such as the Olmec, the Maya developed astronomy, calendrical systems and hieroglyphic writing. The Maya were noted as well for elaborate and highly decorated ceremonial architecture, including temple-pyramids, palaces and observatories, all built without metal tools. They were also skilled farmers, clearing large sections of tropical rain forest and, where groundwater was scarce, building sizeable underground reservoirs for the storage of rainwater. The Maya were equally skilled as weavers and potters, and cleared routes through jungles and swamps to foster extensive trade networks with distant peoples. Many people believe that the ancestors of the Maya crossed the Bering Strait at least 20,000 years ago. They were nomadic hunter-gatherers. Evidence of settled habitation in Mexico is found in the Archaic period 5000-1500 BC - corn cultivation, basic pottery and stone tools. The first true civilization was established with the rise of the Olmecs in the Pre-Classic period 1500 BC -300 AD. The Olmecs settled on the Gulf Coast, and little is known about them. They are regarded as the inventors of many aspects of Meso-American cultures including the first calendar and hieroglyphic writing in the Western hemisphere. Archeologists have not settled the relationship between the Olmecs and the Maya, and it is a mystery whether the Maya were their descendants, trading partners, or had another relationship. It is agreed that the Maya developed a complex calendar and the most elaborate form of hieroglyphics in America, both based on the Olmec's versions. Maya had a complex society (Clas... Free Essays on Mayan History Free Essays on Mayan History MAYAN HISTORY The Maya are probably the best-known of the classical civilizations of Mesoamerica. Originating in the Yucatan around 2600 B.C., they rose to prominence around A.D. 250 in present-day southern Mexico, Guatemala, western Honduras, El Salvador, and northern Belize. Building on the inherited inventions and ideas of earlier civilizations such as the Olmec, the Maya developed astronomy, calendrical systems and hieroglyphic writing. The Maya were noted as well for elaborate and highly decorated ceremonial architecture, including temple-pyramids, palaces and observatories, all built without metal tools. They were also skilled farmers, clearing large sections of tropical rain forest and, where groundwater was scarce, building sizeable underground reservoirs for the storage of rainwater. The Maya were equally skilled as weavers and potters, and cleared routes through jungles and swamps to foster extensive trade networks with distant peoples. Many people believe that the ancestors of the Maya crossed the Bering Strait at least 20,000 years ago. They were nomadic hunter-gatherers. Evidence of settled habitation in Mexico is found in the Archaic period 5000-1500 BC - corn cultivation, basic pottery and stone tools. The first true civilization was established with the rise of the Olmecs in the Pre-Classic period 1500 BC -300 AD. The Olmecs settled on the Gulf Coast, and little is known about them. They are regarded as the inventors of many aspects of Meso-American cultures including the first calendar and hieroglyphic writing in the Western hemisphere. Archeologists have not settled the relationship between the Olmecs and the Maya, and it is a mystery whether the Maya were their descendants, trading partners, or had another relationship. It is agreed that the Maya developed a complex calendar and the most elaborate form of hieroglyphics in America, both based on the Olmec's versions. Maya had a complex society (Clas...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

womens suffrage movement in the 1920s

womens suffrage movement in the 1920s HistoryIn 1920, after 72 years of struggle, American women received the right to vote. After the 19th Amendment passed, reformers talked about female voters uniting to clean up politics, improve society, and end discrimination.At first, male politicians moved aggressively to court the women's vote, passing legislation guaranteeing women's right to serve on juries and hold public office. Congress also passed legislation to set up a national system of women's and infant's health care clinics as well as a constitutional amendment prohibiting child labor, a measure supported by many women's groups.But the early momentum quickly dissipated, as the women's movement divided within and faced growing hostility from without. The major issue that split feminists during the 1920s was a proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution outlawing discrimination based on sex. The issue pitted the interests of women professional against those of working class women, many of whom feared that the am endment would prohibit "protective legislation" that stipulated minimum wages and maximum hours for female workers.English: Postage stamp featuring Elizabeth Stanton...The women's movement also faced mounting external opposition. During the Red Scare following World War I, the War Department issued the "Spider Web" chart, which linked feminist groups to foreign radicalism. Many feminist goals went down to defeat in the mid-1920s. Opposition from many southern states and the Catholic Church defeated the proposed constitutional amendment outlawing child labor. The Supreme Court struck down a minimum wage law for women workers, while Congress failed to fund the system of health care clinics.Women did not win new opportunities in the workplace. Although the American work force included eight million women in 1920, more than half were black or foreign-born. Domestic service remained the largest occupation, followed by secretaries, typists, and clerksall low-paying jobs. The American Fede ration of Labor (AFL) remained openly hostile to...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Wal-Mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wal-Mart - Essay Example The website is very well organized in terms of links and images. The left hand side of the e-store has a list of categories of consumer items for sale. The check-out function of the website is very easy to use. Wal-Mart can be benefit a lot from a more aggressive e-commerce strategy. The global market for online sales is huge. In 2010 e-commerce sales were $153 billion (Plunkett Research, 2011). Wal-Mart should look to increase its market share of this multi-billion dollar marketplace. The beauty of e-commerce is that it has the potential to reach a hundred percent of the global population of 6.9 billion. Wal-Mart has to look for ways to increase the traffic of its website. Simple solutions such as offering a discount coupon with every Wal-Mart receipt redeemable at its online stores can help increase the revenue of the store. The firm should advertize the site in TV commercials, radio, and in the press. An untapped market that could help the company increase its ecommerce sales is c ellular video advertizing. The assistance of G4 networks is enabling people to use the internet more through smart phones such s the I-phone.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Answer the question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Answer the question - Assignment Example The Declaration of Independence that proclaimed that all humans were equal in the new nation, became a motivation for the Black people to claim their equality (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 80). The Black leaders started to point out that the principles of the new nation were â€Å"incompatible with slavery† (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 81). This response showed that Black people were gradually absorbing the enlightenment values and they saw the War and independence of the nation as the way ahead to attain equality and freedom (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 77-95). 2. In 1775, the first anti-slavery association was formed in the North with Benjamin Franklin as its president (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 101). Such societies spread across the nation soon and all of them together formed a loose network as well, the American Convention for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery and Improving the Condition of the African Race (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 101). In the Upper-South, on the other hand, â€Å"manumission, self-purchase and freedom suits† resulted in the formation of the early free Black communities (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 103). Free Black communities gradually emerged in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Newport, Richmond, Norfolk, New York etc. (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 107). The earliest Black institutions were mutual aid societies providing charitable support to Black people, among which Free African Society and black Freemasons stood out (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 107). Then the Black churches and schools evolved (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 110-115). 3. As early as from â€Å"mid-1600s†, there were a few African American slave owners in America (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 128). Most of them had become slave owners â€Å"to protect their families from sale and disruption† (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 128). Sometimes to protect a relative from forced migration, a Black man with money would buy his freedom (Hine, Hine and Harrold, 128). These

Roe v. Wade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Roe v. Wade - Essay Example When most people speak disapprovingly of the Roe decision, they base their objections purely on moral grounds; but scholars, lawyers and especially judges who condemn the decision should only do so based on constitutional grounds in addition to voicing their moral objections. The argument against the decision should address the 9th Amendment which states, â€Å"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.† Those opposed have said that the ninth, or any other amendment, does not specifically mention abortion, therefore, the Constitution is not applicable when attempting to determine the legality of abortion rights. This opinion, however, very obviously contradicts the short and to the point statement that is the Ninth Amendment which clearly encourages the recognition of abortion and all other rights over and above what is contained in the Constitution. Just because the word ‘abortionâ⠂¬â„¢ does not appear, the Constitution is still the origin of legal precedence for this issue as it is for all other civil rights cases. Those that criticize the Roe decision have complained that the nation’s founders used general terms to frame the Constitution and did not intend for the ambiguous use of the word ‘rights’ to include the right to an abortion. They further propose that those who ratified the Constitution were ‘God-fearing’ men who would have opposed the practice. Even if this argument could be proved valid on a constitutional basis, the inference that the Founders were wholly opposed to the practice is probably inaccurate.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS - Essay Example Basically, the acronym SWOT stands for strengths (S), weaknesses (W) which are internal factors while on the other hand the external environmental factors are regarded as either opportunities (O) or threats (T). SWOT analysis is based on the assumption that an effective strategy derives from a good fit between an organisation’s resource capabilities and its external situation (Thompson & Strickland 2001 as cited in Rossouw & Kruger 2003:17). In this case, a good fit will mean that the weaknesses of an organisation and the threats of the environment are minimised while the organisation makes the best of the strengths within it and the opportunities in the environment. The major strength for Etihad Airways is that it has skilled employees who come from diverse cultural backgrounds. It is imperative that the organisation should harness on this strength since it is concerned with expanding its operations to different geographical locations. Employees with a diverse cultural background can positively respond to the needs and interests of those who also hail from different parts of the globe where they also have their own cultural values. The other strength is that Etihad has got an already established market especially in the United Arab Emirates and this gives it a competitive advantage in that it only seeks to strengthen its operations from an already established market. Penetrating new markets will not be that challenging given that this is an established entity in the airline industry. However, noble as the idea of expansion may sound, the main weakness confronting Etihad Airways is that it often does not have enough working capital to meet its requirements. In order to avoid the competitors to gain an advantage, Etihad ought to improve on creating enough capital in order to sustain its initiative to expand its operations. New planes would need to be bought so as to effectively increase route utility which is

Match day staff retention and turnover Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Match day staff retention and turnover - Essay Example The study conducted by The Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) provided conclusive evidence of how outsourcing human resources personnel and various HR functions could cut average company costs on HR spending and free them from other legal risks. The retention of human resources for long time and then giving training to them is the only issue which is very costly and time consuming. More specifically, good training programs leads to improve the capability of employees and thus increasing the confidence in employees. Employees who are sure of themselves work faster, commit fewer errors and produce more output. Thus we can say that the existence of a human resources department is vital to overall productivity and efficiency of the strong work force in any thriving company. In most professional organizations, the role of the human resources department is not sidelined. In fact, good human resources can be one of the most valued and respected departments in an organization, their job is people and people are the company's most important asset. 1. Dissatisfaction with salary or benefits - Salary dissatisfaction can be predicted using company maintained information commonly to salary administrators. Predictors includes years of service, educational level, performance report, career potential, a measure of the most recent salary increase and employee gender. Benefits are not up to the mark which pleases the employees at fullest. 2. Dissatisfaction with training or working conditions - It is the second biggest reason for leaving the current working place. Using old and casual methods of training and working environment is not suitable. This means that one can't adjust with his current working environment i.e. working staff and conditions are not expelling healthy and positive vibrations. Training methods and modules are insufficient. Due to time constraints; the new employees are often not corrected. This oversight leads to a proliferation of bad practice. 3. Change of industry or profession - Sometimes employees change their profession or shift themselves from one industry to other industry due to higher scope of improvement and learning opportunities because according to their thinking forward looking sector or industry has better future prospects or growth. Even new opportunities comes up to you as easy as knocking the door to fulfill the dreams. 4. Others Lack of development - An individual always wants growth, power and success in life but if one's career comes to a stagnant position, he wants to leave his current job and take a new one with full positive attitude and motivation which is very useful and important like flowing water in the river because it symbolizes development at every point of time in life. Development can be in terms of salary increment or extra responsibility given by the seniors due to faith and carried over by the individual in the company. Better position elsewhere - In this scenario, companies are offering good positions to the employees who are experienced and have good communication skills which are the utmost traits of personality. Some companies are offering internal tests programs conducted to stabilize good employees which is

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS - Essay Example Basically, the acronym SWOT stands for strengths (S), weaknesses (W) which are internal factors while on the other hand the external environmental factors are regarded as either opportunities (O) or threats (T). SWOT analysis is based on the assumption that an effective strategy derives from a good fit between an organisation’s resource capabilities and its external situation (Thompson & Strickland 2001 as cited in Rossouw & Kruger 2003:17). In this case, a good fit will mean that the weaknesses of an organisation and the threats of the environment are minimised while the organisation makes the best of the strengths within it and the opportunities in the environment. The major strength for Etihad Airways is that it has skilled employees who come from diverse cultural backgrounds. It is imperative that the organisation should harness on this strength since it is concerned with expanding its operations to different geographical locations. Employees with a diverse cultural background can positively respond to the needs and interests of those who also hail from different parts of the globe where they also have their own cultural values. The other strength is that Etihad has got an already established market especially in the United Arab Emirates and this gives it a competitive advantage in that it only seeks to strengthen its operations from an already established market. Penetrating new markets will not be that challenging given that this is an established entity in the airline industry. However, noble as the idea of expansion may sound, the main weakness confronting Etihad Airways is that it often does not have enough working capital to meet its requirements. In order to avoid the competitors to gain an advantage, Etihad ought to improve on creating enough capital in order to sustain its initiative to expand its operations. New planes would need to be bought so as to effectively increase route utility which is

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Validity and Reliability of the Myers Briggs Test Term Paper

Validity and Reliability of the Myers Briggs Test - Term Paper Example The history of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator holds accountable Carl Jung and his personality theory as the primary basis and the chief influence of Katharine C. Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers in the development of the MBTI, a project that lasted for two decades and a half (Bayne, 1997; Morgan & Morgan, 2007; Quenk, 2009).   Jung published his book â€Å"Psychological Types† in the early 1920’s which was later on translated in English and published in America.   Briggs at that time was also developing her own theory of personality types which she later on abandoned upon discovery of Jung’s theory which resembled her ideas but had better structure and form.   It then started the long journey of Briggs and Myers that concluded with the creation of the MBTI.   Guided by Jung’s theory, their observations of individuals led them to the conclusion that â€Å"typology could provide a useful way of describing healthy personality differences and importantly, that such assessment could be put to practical use in people’s lives† (Morgan & Morgan, 2007, p. 336). Such non-judgmental and realistic underpinnings of the instrument are perhaps the reasons for its massive influence and application. It is interesting to note that none of them have studied and trained under Jungian psychoanalysis yet they accepted his ideas and studied it enthusiastically for 25 years. To begin with, both were not psychologists and do not have a strong foundation in statistics.   In the 1940’s, psychological testing was a very young field and inventory type questionnaires were not popular.   While psychology often measures characteristic, Myers and Briggs were more drawn towards preferences which identify the dominant functions of individuals.   At that time, they did not have the convenience of computers making item analysis, so they relied heavily on friends who they classified as â€Å"thinking† and â€Å"feel ing† individuals.  

Security Survey Essay Example for Free

Security Survey Essay A security survey at Reedy Recovery Company was conducted on September 15, 2011 by Amy Reedy who was invited and retained by DeVry University for a security assessment. Information in the report was obtained from James Write, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial officer, and Rhonda Forbes, Facilities Manager, personal observations were done by James Write during the inspection of the DeVry facility. The intentions of this report are a detailed audit of all security aspects and phases of the Reedy Recovery Company. Our company will review and evaluate areas and activities that are considered most vulnerable to theft and safety risks. It is not the intentions of Reedy Recovery Company or the writer of this report to evaluate DeVry’s employees or their integrity and this is not what this report will attempt to do. We are solely here for the security of the company alone. Summary Reedy Recovery Company is a business that acquires PC components from a number of sources, we then look them over and transform them to perform better and enhance security features on them and return them back to our clients. We are a company owned 80 percent by Pccorp and 20 percent byPCfix. com. Other services include building and assembly of Pc’s. We at Reedy Recovery Company are ranked number one in the market in the PC security industry. The Reedy Recovery Company has a great process in handling our clients merchandise and it is a very promising and satisfactory process. All of our products are equipped with ESN or model numbers, these can be scanned or imputed my hand by the receiver of the product. This insures that the product is imputed in to our computerized inventory tracking system and is safe and secure until ready for repair or production. When handled by each person in the process of repairs they are also required to scan or hand enter the model number so you the client can see where your merchandise is and it what stage it is at so you have an idea of the retrieval of your product. Before it is placed with the rest of the shipments it is scanned again so that the tracking of your device is easy for you to follow allowing you to know the date of delivery. Details General information The DeVry Center is located on a four-acre plot of land in downtown New York City. It is a 30-story corporate tower high-rise, which includes 1,250 underground parking garage spaces and a rooftop garden. Construction of the building was completed in December of 2008, and 27 of the 30 floors are occupied by tenants. Currently, there are 1,800 tenants in the building, which has a maximum capacity of 2,000. There are several computer rooms, a restricted control and observation room, a records room, human resource area which contains records, scanners and critical information. Since the end of construction in December of 2008 they have designed different access to areas to limit employees from entering an area in which they are not granted access. Due to the heavy and ongoing work of these employees, future or potential employees are processed by Reedy Recovery Company. In which we do back ground checks and drug screening. All employees present and future need sign a confidentially agreement stating that at any given time and without giving them a reason that their office space, computers, emails and files may be searched. And any employee not willing to sign this agreement may be asked to leave the company or can chose not to be hired as a direct result of not signing the agreement. Physical security DeVry is a 24 hour operating facility from the hours of 8am to 5pm there is a receptionist stationed at the front reception desk. Beginning at 5pm a security officer takes the place of the receptionist. Badges with bar codes are provided for every employee and visitor that contains their credentials, on it showing who they are what areas they are allowed to visit and what position they maintain at the company. A sign in log is also located on the desk and upon arrival the person must sign in and have their badge swiped for recognition that the person is who they claim to be and authorization to the facility. These badges are also used as swipe cards to gain access to an area, once swiped the doors will either open or give an error message that says access denied. Being that all doors are electronic and can only be opened with a badge swipe there is a 4 hour backup system that incase of fire or power outage will allow access to evacuate the premises if the power fails. In the head of security managers office there is a lock box which contains keys as well so if the system fails electronically it may be opened by key. From 8am to 5pm a security officer is patrolling the outside perimeter and the garage and garden area. A cleaning crew is also part of the DeVry facility however because of clearance issues they are accompanied by a security officer to every area they go to ensure they are cleaning and cleaning only. Alarm Systems DeVry is equipped with an alarm system by ADT however the system has never been armed and only the CEO knows the pass code. Out of the 30 stories there are only two emergency exists on the premises. There are two fire pull switches both located on the first floor, fire detectors are installed but no kind of sprinkler system is located in the building, only a single fire extinguisher. CCTV There are cctvs located on several of the floors totaling a count of 12 all together. The recordings of these can be viewed for a period of 30 days and after that are erased automatically. There are three locations these can be viewed, one is the reception desk, one is located in the facility managers office and the other in the control room at the shipping and receiving area. Visitors All visitors must check in at the receptions desk be given an id badge and sign in on the visitors log book. Inventory Control The access to the vault is limited to 6 employees. The CEO, Facility Manager, Security manager and the head of shipping and receiving along with 2 shipping and receiving employees. There is one camera located at the desk pointing at the vault itself. There is no log for the person entering it or if they have a visitor with them anything to sign or check before entering. Shipping and Receiving The shipping and receiving area is located inside the vault equipped with three doors for items to be dropped off or picked up. The access to this area is limited to the personnel listed above. Access is granted only by use of the swipe badge by the electronic system. There is no use of CCTV in the vault, but at the request of DeVry Reedy Recovery system has installed a lock box for additional security of the items. As items are processed in or out of the facility they are scanned in to the system for tracking insurance. Recommendations The security procedures of Reedy Recovery Company have proven to be thorough and extremely effective. As badges are used and swiped upon entry to the building and a sign in log used, it would be in the best interest for DeVry to also ask to see another form of ID such as a driver’s license to ensure that the person is who they claim to be. It is also in the best interest of DeVry to include in their badges tracking software that logs entry to areas and monitoring the persons activities while inside the facility. As for the reception desk it is recommended that a buzzer be placed on the outside of the entry door so that the person has to be allowed access to the facility, along with this another CCTV should be set on the outside of the door so that he or she can see the door and who is standing there before buzzing a person in. It is also recommended that the security officer who patrols the grounds while the receptionist is at her desk not only do it between the hours of 8am and 5pm, but that shift are made to patrol the grounds at all times, as anyone could find out this schedule and attempt to breach the facility when they know an officer is not patrolling after 5pm. As there are alarm systems available to the company but not being used it is recommended that these systems be armed at all times and employees be made aware of these alarms, what areas will set the alarms off, and how they should use them properly and safely as to not engage them and cause a scare that is not an actual threat. These can also be in correlation with the badge swipe system. The CCTV as it is good to have should be increased to one on every floor at each end of a hall way, placed inside the vault area for monitoring. Also the 30 days of saved recording times should be changed to a 60 day period in case something is found late it can be reviewed as needed. Also it is recommended that a CCTV be placed in the parking garages, and on the roof garden for better monitoring of the grounds, TV monitors should be placed at the reception desk, the Security Managers office and one in the control room or viewing of these areas as well. Access to visitors should not be so easy, when entering the building the receptionist or security officer whoever is on duty should log the signature of the visitor, make a copy of his or her driver’s license for security reasons and also compare the picture on the ID to the person giving it to them. Only after this should they be given a badge to allow them access to the facility. The person on duty should be aware that if a person who presents an ID that is not theirs or seems to be false, they should excuse themselves and call the security manager immediately so that proper action can be taken and local authorities notified. We spoke of fire alarms and emergency exists. As of now they are located only on the first floor. It is recommended that one fire exit be placed on each floor with access to a fire escape passage in case of a fire. Besides the two pull switches on the first floor one should be located in an easy to reach area on each floor. Also sprinkler systems should be installed on every floor and in the vault area so in case of a fire, the sprinkler systems can attempt to control the fire while the local fire department is on its way. This goes with using the security system also, when the security system provided by ADT is activated if a fire does break out ADT is notified and calls the local fire department for you, so you can rest assure help is on the way. The vault area should have CCTV on every door where the shipping and receiving goes on. A camera should be added to the hallway area monitoring employees there. Another CCTV should be monitoring the lobby outside the vault area and it should be able to be viewed by employees inside the vault area. Shipping and receiving should be more closely monitored especially when some of the items are being picked up by and external carrier. These people should also show ID for the company they are working for and along with signing the receiving slip also sign in to a log book with their name, time, date and what they are picking up and dropping off. Please be advised that these are the recommendations of Reedy Recovery Company and we take great pride in being given the opportunity to assist you in your security needs for your facility. You can rest assured that your company will be at little risk if you take these recommendations and put them to work for you. It has been a pleasure in assisting you in increasing the security of your company and if you have any other concerns or questions please feel free to contact our office and ask to speak to me directly.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Minorities In The Federal Government Politics Essay

Minorities In The Federal Government Politics Essay Minorities are always a source of debate in America. Whether it is relating to immigration laws, equal opportunity in schools and workplaces, or their role in government minorities are often a subject of controversy. Many citizens of the United States feel their ethnicities or sex are not fairly represented in Congress, the Justice system, or even in the Executive branch. Today we have an overwhelming majority of white males in Congress. Racial minorities and women alike are underrepresented in both houses. A debate continues on how to make this representation could become more equal. Some feel that the system is what it is and generally makes a level playing field for all candidates; others believe that white males are heavily favored in our current districting. Underrepresentation of minorities has been prevalent since the beginning of Americas government, and many feel that action must be taken to achieve a more representative Federal Government. Of all minorities, women are actually the weakest in representation. Women make up an equal amount of the United States total population, but they do not receive even close to half of the seats in Congress. In fact, as of this year, women only hold 19% of the seats in Congress. This number is record high, but is still very far from 50%. There are many factors contributing to womens underrepresentation in government. One is a very obvious reason. Women simply do not have as many candidates running for office as do men. If more females hope to gain seats in Congress, more must be willing to run campaigns. Womens participation in political education is also below that of mens. Many argue, however, that women are receiving appropriate education and are attempting to run for office. The reason they have difficulty in gaining seats is peoples predisposition to favor the traditional. Voters are used to males holding these positions, and therefore naturally favor a male candidate to a female . If women hope to achieve more success in their numbers in the government, the general voting population must be more willing to accept them as leaders and vital assets on Capitol Hill. This cannot be done by apathetically hoping people will come to their senses. Women have to make strong efforts to assert themselves in those positions, and show future voters their capability. Some feel traditional views and number of candidates are not the most important factors restricting women from gaining equal representation. The biggest obstacle facing women with regards to underrepresentation in Congress is not peoples tendency to favor males for these positions. Instead their lack of wealth is the primary reason men have over eighty percent of the seats. (Rochne) The number of men with the funding to undergo a costly campaign process is much more numerous than the small number of females who could afford to run. Those women with money who choose to run are still often overmatched when it c omes to funding. Fortunately, women are holding more assets, getting more degrees, and working at more high-level jobs than any other time in Americas history. If this trend continues, then women will continue to gradually increase their presence in Congress. Racial minoritys struggles are far different from those of women. Often it is not money that holds minorities back, but how the voting system is set up in our Country. Redistricting is essentially a political game in which people with the most influence are trying to see their views favored, whether thats to favor party or ethnic hopes. In reality, minority voters wouldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ become submerged in white majority districts, and we would turn the clock back to a time when we had virtually all-white legislatures.(Amy) This is focusing on how redistricting can be instrumental to the racial layout of congress. For many years this was a large factor in the white majority, until it was brought to the courts. This is seen in the Supreme Court case Thornburg vs. Gingles of 1986. The court declared in a unanimous vote that the legacy of official discrimination acted in concert with the multimember districting scheme to impair the ability of cohesive groups of black voters to participa te equally in the political process and to elect candidates of their choice. Essentially this facilitated the creation of United States house districts in which a minority population constitutes a majority of the voting age population. (Banducci) Combined factors still affect minority representation. Wealth, education, experience, number of candidates all contribute to the underrepresentation of ethnicities. Despite all of these factors and the others unmentioned, districting is often considered the most challenging and restraining of all. The amount elected is solely reflected by the numbers of that minority in a voting district. (Peyton) Without minority voting populations being properly represented in their districts, they cannot be properly represented in the Federal Government. Some believe, however, that racial redistricting would have its down falls and is paradoxical in nature. As voting districts are altered to allow for racial minorities to gain election to seats, Congress may be less likely to side with this races ideology and the policies they hope to implement. For example if a district was drawn to favor African-American candidates, Congress may feel less inclined to adopt policies that are favored by many African-American voters. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦particularly in the South, the practice of concentrating minority populations into a small number of districts decreases the liberal influence in the remaining areas. Thus, a handful of minority representatives, almost invariably Democrats, win elections, but so do a greater number of conservative Republicans. (Lublin) Not only will Congress be less willing to accept their policies, but liberal influence in other districts will suffer as a large number of minorities vote democratic. This in turn does the op posite of what activists are hoping. While one minority may gain a seat, their party could lose two. It is still very hard to deny the lack of diversity in Congress. In the United States Senate there are currently no blacks holding positions. In fact, only 6 senators have been African-American since the beginning of the Senate. Todays Senate is made of a 96% white majority. Only 4 senators are racial minorities, Daniel Akaka, Hawaii (Asian-American, Daniel Inouye, Hawaii (Asian-American), Robert Menendez, New Jersey (Hispanic-American) and Marco Rubio, Florida (Hispanic-American). That means that Latinos make up 1% of the Senate, while the latest census found that they make up almost 17% of the United States entire population. It is clear why many are upset about the underrepresentation of minorities. When interviewed about this subject, it was found that most senators do not find this as a matter of importance. (Desjardins) Instead they believe the system gives an equal chance to a ll those running, and should be focused on merit not race. Senators feel that redistricting to aid the election of ethnic minorities is unfair and unnecessary. Of course their opinions are not at all objective; it shows the reluctance of the government when addressing these issues. Legislation is difficult to pass because the white majority would like to continue to see themselves as the majority. It creates a cycle that makes change a slow process. The Supreme Court and the Executive branch are no exception to the high underrepresentation of minorities. To date there have been only two African- Americans in the Supreme court, one who is still serving as an associate justice. And of course only one President has broken the long chain of white male president, Barack Obama. Sandra Day OConnor made history in the Supreme Court as the first ever women elected. In todays Supreme Court, three of the nine justices are women. Between the first ever African-American (or any minority for that matter) holding office in American history, and the new found diversity in the Court it seems both of these government branches are moving toward trends to create a more representative federal government. Even more than the election that made Barack Obama the first black president, the one that returned him to office sent an unmistakable signal that the hegemony of the straight white male in America is over. The long drive for broader social particip ation by all Americans reached a turning point in the 2012 election, which is likely to go down as a watershed in the nations social and political evolution and not just because in some states voters approved of same-sex marriage for the first time. (West) As shown by Los Angeles Times writer Paul West, a new evolution in politics is beginning. It is clear that obstacles are still very much present in the legislative branch, but the new wave of voters and the progress made elsewhere shows that these trend may become a new normal for the United States. Were not in the 50s any more, said William Frey, a Brookings Institution demographer. This election makes it clear that a single focus directed at white males, or at the white population in general, is not going to do it. And its not going to do it when the other party is focusing on energizing everybody else.(West) Barack Obamas success in gaining election has been an unprecedented win for minorities in government. But to ensure that his achievements have a lasting impression, minorities must take his work in stride and continue down the path to representation. Now more than ever people are straying away from views that the candidates need to fit a certain profile. Still work needs to be done. The cabinet is made up of almost entirely white males, and the Supreme Court is only just beginning to diversify. Despite the success seen in some areas of government, the two houses of Congress are far away from fair representation. The solutions to fixing this issue, however, are very difficult to identify and even more difficult to put in place. The first option is to allow things to continue on their own path, and hope that more minorities will be elected. (Amy) Some argue that this could potentially work based on trends that have been occurring since the mid 1900s. Minorities are gaining seats slowly, and soon more will become available to them. Although possible, this method would create a long process of representation that could take several decades to become fair. It also creates an opportunity for minorities to move backwards instead of forwards, pushing districts back to even more unfair sections. Activists agree that this is not a true option to solving the problem of underrepresentation. Another solution is one that is used today. Groups like the NAACP can fight each individual chal lenge that is placed on minority districts. (Amy) This is more of a short-term solution however. The Supreme Court will not vote in favor of challenges when the only reason in race. Legal groups that fight for these districts are only keeping a minimal hold on the districts necessary for minority representation. So while this effort to save current minority districts is an important short-term tactic, and while it may work in some cases, it is difficult to be optimistic about the long-term success of this approach. (Amy) It is clear that this issue cannot be resolved by numerous court cases defending districts, especially when the Supreme Court does not look favorably on challenges solely based on race. The solution that could potentially solve these issues is an alternative election system based of proportional representation. This system is used by several Western nations and has shown great success in equaling the number of minorities in government. There are two separate ways to do this: one is by a cumulative vote, the other is by creating multi-member districts. The cumulative vote has already been used in some states for local elections in the U.S., and has shown considerable success in getting more minorities into local government positions. The success of this method at lower levels could also indicate that a cumulative vote used in districts could help minorities gain a fair amount of congressional seats. Multi-member districts are another viable option. If a districts voting population is 20% Hispanic, then that district would have 5 members, one of them likely turning out to be Hispanic. Minorities tend to vote for candidates from the same ethnic background, so creating districts into multi-member could even the playing field and create much greater representation of ethnic minorities. In the long run, proportional representation may be the only politically and constitutionally viable solution to the problem of minority representation in the U.S. P R would allow minorities a fair chance to elect their own candidates without resorting to the kind of race-based districting that has provoked the recent legal backlash. White voters would have nothing to complain about with PR since it would allow them to elect their fair share of representatives, and it wouldnt involve the drawing of special or funny shaped districts to benefit minorities. In this sense, proportional representation is a truly race neutral approach to districting, and one that would finally resolve once and for all this festering political problem. Americans committed to fair representation need to familiarize themselves with how these alternative systems work, promote the adoption of these systems on the local level, and pressure Congress to pass legislation to allow the use of proportional representation for congressional elections. Now is not the time to abandon the goal of fair representation for all Americans. We simply have to find new ways to achieve that go al; and currently, switching to proportional representation elections would seem to be our best bet. (Amy) Although this seems like an effective option, it is very difficult to put in place. Most political scientists agree that districting is the source of the problem, but if something could be done it would have already happened. (McCray) Most members of Congress are white males and will not support any acts that would potentially hurt their chances for reelection. Racial minorities need to find other ways than tirelessly challenging through the courts, and hoping that something will change about districting. Funding and strengthening of merit are two things that must be focused on. Latinos, African-Americans, and women all need to increase their wealth and their resumes if they wish to appeal to a broader audience. The graph on the next page, provided by the census bureau, shows the large gap in wealth between the majority white and all minorities. Whites hold 22 times the amount of wealth that blacks do. (Luhby) This also correlates with the amount of education received by these ethnicities. Without more success as a minority in America, it will be difficult for them to hold seats in either the House of Representatives or the Senate. Having less wealth and home equity means it will be more difficult for blacks and Hispanics to send their children to college, which gives them a leg up on landing good jobs, said Roderick Harrison, senior research scientist at Howard University. That will further extend the wealth gap. The implications will be with us into the next generation, which will have greater difficulty in getting the kinds of jobs needed to start saving and building wealth, Harrison said. (Luhby) This is not a trend that minorities want to continue. During the past few years, while every Americans wealth has been declining, minorities have been declining at an almost 40% faster rate than that of whites. (Luhby) The path to equal representation begins with closing the wealth gap and getting more minorities the best education possible. The public also needs to be aware of these issues. The media plays an essential role in the United States political layout, and they need to do better at informing people of the gap between races. There is no doubting the struggles that women and racial minorities have in trying to gain fair representation. Some hope that these issues will eventually work itself out. Progress has been made in getting more diversity in the Federal Government. The first African-American man is now the President of the United States, more women are holding congressional seats than ever before, and the diversity of the Supreme Court is at an all-time high. There is a lot of hope that these are only the beginnings as well. The American government is based on the principle that the people are the voice of government. The government is in place to serve and embody the United States population as a whole, not just by the majority. Millions of U.S. citizens make up what is known as our nations minorities. It is projected that in the next few decades that America could have a minority majority (the number of minorities combined outnumbers the white population). This is why many feel that they should have proportional representation in Congress. Women and all ethnicities that make up our country have made strides in their struggle for equality in our government, and in the near future action must be taken to see that they continue to be represented fairly.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

MBA Admissions Essay - My Three Most Substantial Accomplishments :: MBA College Admissions Essays

MBA Admissions Essays - My Three Most Substantial Accomplishments    Although trained as an engineer, my most substantial accomplishments have been in non-engineering sectors since the management and finance divisions of my company necessitated my involvement and a change in my career goals.    From the early 1990's, after the introduction of the free economy in Poland, almost all of our companies in our family owned business began losing money, and I needed to help save it. There I was, the poor little textile engineer, answering questions asked by people from Citicorp, the agents from Soros Funds, and many other local banks. Despite my lack of business expertise at the time, our issue was overbooked, and by the following three weeks we collected the money from the first privately issued bond in Poland. I worked with a team of highly dedicated and experienced professionals with degrees from the finest institutions of the world. Through teamwork, I helped to save my company; I consider this the biggest achievement in my professional life.    My second biggest achievement was again saving the company. Our biggest textile plant, consisting of about seventy percent of our group's asset, was bought through tender from the government of Poland under its denationalizing scheme. The payment was to be made through half-yearly installments, but our company began defaulting in late 1997. By that time Peregrine collapsed, and we were on our own. I proposed the board raise money by offering some of the company's vast vacant land for joint venture. Although the proposal was believed impractical and unattainable, I nevertheless contacted a number of multinationals. Only Cemex Cement of Mexico responded, but our deal eventually fell through and the government began preparing for takeover.    As a last minute resort to save the company, I prepared an attractive offer and contacted Scancem of Finland and Holderbank of Switzerland. Holderbank responded and opted for outright purchase of the land. However, they attached a condition that we complete all the formalities needed to set up their plant in Poland before they make any agreement with us. We agreed and started working on the endless list of permits, permissions and licenses that one faces by investing in Poland. I guided the whole process and coordinated the activities of engineers, lawyers, bureaucrats, financial advisors, etc. I also was forced to deal with the highest body of religious law, the Islamic Foundation, since there was a mosque in the designated plot and the mosque had to be relocated -- a very rare and sensitive issue in Poland. MBA Admissions Essay - My Three Most Substantial Accomplishments :: MBA College Admissions Essays MBA Admissions Essays - My Three Most Substantial Accomplishments    Although trained as an engineer, my most substantial accomplishments have been in non-engineering sectors since the management and finance divisions of my company necessitated my involvement and a change in my career goals.    From the early 1990's, after the introduction of the free economy in Poland, almost all of our companies in our family owned business began losing money, and I needed to help save it. There I was, the poor little textile engineer, answering questions asked by people from Citicorp, the agents from Soros Funds, and many other local banks. Despite my lack of business expertise at the time, our issue was overbooked, and by the following three weeks we collected the money from the first privately issued bond in Poland. I worked with a team of highly dedicated and experienced professionals with degrees from the finest institutions of the world. Through teamwork, I helped to save my company; I consider this the biggest achievement in my professional life.    My second biggest achievement was again saving the company. Our biggest textile plant, consisting of about seventy percent of our group's asset, was bought through tender from the government of Poland under its denationalizing scheme. The payment was to be made through half-yearly installments, but our company began defaulting in late 1997. By that time Peregrine collapsed, and we were on our own. I proposed the board raise money by offering some of the company's vast vacant land for joint venture. Although the proposal was believed impractical and unattainable, I nevertheless contacted a number of multinationals. Only Cemex Cement of Mexico responded, but our deal eventually fell through and the government began preparing for takeover.    As a last minute resort to save the company, I prepared an attractive offer and contacted Scancem of Finland and Holderbank of Switzerland. Holderbank responded and opted for outright purchase of the land. However, they attached a condition that we complete all the formalities needed to set up their plant in Poland before they make any agreement with us. We agreed and started working on the endless list of permits, permissions and licenses that one faces by investing in Poland. I guided the whole process and coordinated the activities of engineers, lawyers, bureaucrats, financial advisors, etc. I also was forced to deal with the highest body of religious law, the Islamic Foundation, since there was a mosque in the designated plot and the mosque had to be relocated -- a very rare and sensitive issue in Poland.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Our Town Critique :: essays research papers

Through December 5th through the 7th, I performed in Thornton Wilder’s play of Our Town. The only sets or props that the actors or actresses used where folding chairs for us to sit in, umbrellas to hide Emily (Julie Dumbler), and flats on both sides of the stage to hide the people behind them. The reason for the lack of set is so the audience can use there imagination of what the town of Grover’s Corner, New Hampshire looks like. All the rest of the props that the actors had to use were pan mimed and acted out to the fullest to make it look real. The only other experience with no set was with Miss Henery in Neodesha and it was a disaster so I didn’t know how well this was going to work out. But with the help of our director Peter Ellenstein and the rest of the cast, the pan miming was very successful. Our performance space was a modified thrust stage. The shape of the stage served us well for this play, but the back stage was horrible. All of the chairs that we had to use were folding chairs that made a lot of noise even if you hardly touched one. One neat thing about the play is that all of the sound affects were made by our backstage manager (Lisa Mitchell) or other members of the cast. In exception for the clock chiming at the end of the play. People who have seen the play tell me that it is a very heart moving play. I did not get that feeling because I was always backstage or onstage. Ether way I didn’t get to watch the play so I couldn’t see what was so moving about it. The only humor I got was from lines and the funniest person I heard was Professor Willard (Gary Mitchell). The audience is led through the entire play by the Stage Manager (Cory Venable). He literally talks to the audience between every scene explaining what is going on in the story. I thought Mr. Wilder did a good job in having a Stage Manager do this. The Stage Manager tells and shows us a story a young girl growing up and facing death, even after death . He show us how Emily Webb (Julie Dumbler) first gets to know her future husband George Gibbs (Eric Cole).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Religious and Ethnic Groups Essay

The religious group is chose was Jehovah’s Witnesses. I did some online research and also asked my children’s Foster Mother, Regina Metzger the questions. I wanted to see what the differences of what I found online and what she said the beliefs were. So this is a mixture of what I got from my online sources and what she said. Jehovah’s Witnesses differ from other religious groups because they believe that their entire bible is the inspired word of god, and instead of adhering to a creed based on human tradition, they hold to their bible as the standard for all their beliefs. Based on their bible, they believe that Jesus Christ is son of god, the first of god’s creations, that he had a pre-human existence and that his life was transformed from heaven to the womb of a virgin. They believe that god’s kingdom is the only hope for mankind. They are many different nationalities. They have no prejudices against any race or color. Their worship is through prayer, meetings and telling others about their bible. They believe that their bible is the inspired word of God, and instead of adhering to a creed based on human tradition, they hold their bible as the standard. The experience of the Jehovah’s Witnesses that other religious groups do not share is that they are viewed with moral standards that coincide with their bible. They are law abiding citizens that respect authority. They show, what they believe is, genuine Christian love to their neighbors. For example, let’s say there are two girls. One of which is a Jehovah Witness and one that is not. They both were asked to spit on the American Flag. In this situation, the Jehovah’s Witness won’t and the other would. One might ask â€Å"Why don’t you spit on the flag even though you don’t solute it? † The answer from the Johana’s Witness would be simply, â€Å"I don’t pledge my allegiance to the flag, but I wouldn’t disrespect it either. † They are neutral. Jehovah’s Witnesses contribute to the American Culture because they feel they are the advocates of their God’s kingdom. They are not of the political, economic, or social system of any nation of the old world. They did have their modern day start in the United States. They do pay taxes, which means they work regular jobs just like any other person. Jehovah’s Witnesses do not interfere with what others do about sharing in patriotic ceremonies. Like, sharing in the armed forces and joining a political party or even voting. They worship their god only. They believe that if Christians under one nation go to war against another nation they would be fighting against fellow believers. They believe that fighting against the same people who prayed for help to the same god is wrong. That is why they won’t go to war and will serve time in jail or prison to avoid killing their Christian brothers and sisters. However they are not afraid to die for their faith. If they are threatened with death or to renounce their faith, they will die for what they believe in. I know that before my children went into foster care I had limited information on what Jehovah’s Witnesses were all about. I was under the impression that they only went house to house on Saturdays knocking on doors. I thought they were annoying. Feeling like everywhere I went I was approached by one saying that they are the only true word of God, when I thought my god was. I learned quickly that everyone has a different idea of what their God was. Jehovah’s witnesses have been known to not celebrate holidays like birthdays, Christmas, or thanksgiving. I would use their religion as a type of threat toward my children saying â€Å"If you don’t knock it off we will become Jehovah’s Witness and then you won’t get presents during birthdays or holidays. † Since, my children are in a home with this as the main religion and belief system, I feel like I should apologize to them because I must have sounded like a bigot. I think that the discrimination and stereotyping that Jehovah’s Witnesses experience comes from a lack of understanding by anyone of a different belief. I think that what I have learned about this religious group did help me understand it. It helped me to realize that Jehovah’s Witnesses, like any other religion, just want to show everyone that what they believe is not bad. They want to show what their religion means. They want the same as others do, the belief that you can be saved by a god. The racial/ethnic group that I chose is the Pacific Islanders. I chose this group because I don’t know nothing about it. I think getting information on this group will be extremely interesting. Pacific Islanders are from many different places. American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Hawaii, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Norfolk Island, Mariana Islands, Palau, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, and the Independent State of Western Samoa. (http://www. pica-org. org/websurf/websurf. html). In 2011 there were approximately 1,371,564 Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders who live within the United States. They significantly reside in California, Washington, Utah, Texas, New York, Texas, and Florida. They make up about . 4% of the U. S. Population (http://minorityhealth. hhs. gov/templates/browse. aspx? lvl=2&lvlID=71) On May 29, 2013 President Obama spoke about AAPI (Asian-American and Pacific Islander) Heritage Month. (http://www. whitehouse. gov/administration/eop/aapi/blog) I thought that was very interesting. He talked about his Pacific Islander ethnic background. He said: â€Å"We value these voices because from the very beginning, ours has been a nation of immigrants; a nation challenged and shaped and push ever forward by diverse perspectives and fresh thinking. And in order to keep our edge and stay ahead in the global race, we need to figure out a way to fix our broken immigration system-to welcome that infusion of newness, while still maintaining the enduring strength of our laws. And the service and the leadership of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have proved that point in time and again. † Listening to him give a speech about the greatness of Pacific Islanders made me appreciate that ethnic group even more. Pacific Islanders speak over 100 different languages and come from more than 56 ethnic groups. (http://www. cdc. gov/features/aapiheritagemonth/). They are parts of many different religions. Like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Growing up in my church there were many Pacific Islanders members of our church. I can remember many of them having big families with many children. The Pacific Islanders do many things to contribute to American Culture. They contribute by working jobs. 7. 4 million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are employed in the United States. They make up 5. 3% of the total workforce in the United States. About 300,000 workers are Pacific Islanders. (http://www. cepr. net/index. php/publications/reports/diversity-and-change July 2011, Hye Jin Rho, John Schmitt, Nicole Woo, Lucia Lin and Kent Wong) Like many other cultures, they bring their delicious foods. They have a multitude of food from different countries. They bring that all to the table here in the United States. Although some of them have changed their diets to a more of an American way of eating, some still eat the foods of their lands. Throughout history, there has been many instances of racism and sexism toward Pacific Islanders in the United States Pacific Islanders continue to face oppression, racism, and discrimination in the United States. Since Pacific Islanders have a higher rate of diabetes they were charged higher rates for health insurance. The Affordable Care Act Will be a very good change for Pacific Islanders. They are known to suffer from higher rates of all types of circular diseases like, stroke, hypertension, and coronary heart disease. They also have the highest rates of obesity. The Affordable Care Act will change it so that it will be easier to get health care for them. Some states have had an English-only type of initiative. They seem to be for people who only speak English. I had no idea they were even allowed by law. It seems as though that people find ways to discriminate even with the laws that have been put in place. Just because some people cannot speak any other language, besides English. For them everything needs to be in English and no other language. About a century before, European-Americans did not allow people who didn’t speak English to learn English because they were afraid that they would become a minority. They were afraid of being â€Å"out-smarted† by others. They didn’t want to have to compete for fear of losing. I don’t believe this is fair. That is why I am glad there are some many laws coming into effect as well as more to come to make this country an even better place. (http://aspe. hhs. gov/health/reports/2012/ACA&AsianAmericans&PacificIslanders/rb. shtml) Most European Americans have discriminated against Pacific Islanders because they didn’t know English. The European Americans were afraid that if the Pacific Islanders learned English they would exceed them in many ways. They would become the minority. Many of the European Americans were believed to be threatened by this. I think I now have a better understanding of what it is like to be a Pacific Islander. The discrimination they have faced has seemed to make them a stronger people. I am happy to have them as part of my country. In conclusion, both Jehovah’s Witnesses and The Pacific Islander, people have experienced a discrimination that seems to have happened because of people who do not understand what they go through daily. They both seem to succeed in their lives because of the discrimination they have experienced. The Jehovah’s Witnesses hold up to their beliefs like the Pacific Islanders stand strong with their ethnic background. They are different because one is a religion and one is an ethnic group. An ethnic group is a group of people who have the same customs or origin. A religion is a belief in a god or a group of gods. I think that both the Pacific Islanders and the Jehovah’s Witnesses get discriminated against because of a lack of understanding.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Debt in Australia, Monetary Policy Essay

Introduction It is imperative that the Australian households’ debt have noticeably risen over the past two decades, and is currently rated high according to international standards. The sharp increase in housing debt has been the reason for the rise in the household debt. Increased availability of housing finance, strong demand for debt from investors, and lower interest rates are the main drivers of the rising housing debt. The households’ net worth and servicing ratios will be discussed in this paper as the impacts on the higher household debt levels. The impacts of the instability in global capital markets will be discussed in this paper in relation to the housing finance market in Australia. Lastly, the implications of the rising household debt will be discussed in relation to the financial stability and monetary policy. Trends in household debt It is important to note that Australian households had a fairly stable ratio of debt to disposable income at approximately 45% during the 1980s. However, rapid rise in the ratio of debt to disposable income was recorded since 1990, with it reaching optimum of 157% in December 2007. The bulk of the increase was accounted for by the housing debt, that is, over the period, the ratio of the housing debt to disposable income rose to 134% from 31%. It was also recorded over the same period, a rise in the ratio of personal debt to disposable income to 22% from 13%. A sharp rise in the ratio of debts to assets was recorded at 17% in December 2007, from 8% in December 1989 (Wilkins & Wooden, 2009). A sharp rise in household indebtedness in a number of advanced economies has been witnessed over the last two decades. It is however, noted that the increase in household debt in Australia is pronounced. The Australia’s ratio in household debt to income was recorded as the highest in December 2007 despite Australia recording as one of the countries with the household debt lowest ratio to disposable income among advanced economies in the late 1980s. It is also imperative to point out that among advanced economies; Australia rose from the bottom position to the middle number in terms of the ratio of household debt to assets over the same period (Berry & Dalton, 2009). Housing finance market Focus on the housing finance market is emphasized in this paper because the housing debt in households’ total debt is dominant. An average of 15% in the annual growth in housing debt was recorded since 1990. In the periods, 1988-1989, 1994, and 2002-2004 strong growth in housing debt was recorded. This strong growth in the growth in housing debt was faster than the growth in the disposable income of households over the same period that stood at an average of 6% only (Berry & Dalton, 2009). Significant growth in house prices accompanied the sharp increase in the housing debt. Over the period 1987 and 1988, the house prices doubled, however, during the first half of the 1990s the house prices drifted slowly higher, with the house prices doubling more between 1997 and late 2003. Continuous increase in aggregate house prices was recorded since late 2003; however, the trend varies markedly across the country, for instance, house prices in Perth increased strongly, while the house prices in Sydney decreased over time. The boom in resources supports the varied trends in house prices across the country (Berry & Dalton, 2009). A number of factors accounts to the rising house debt in Australia over the past years, with lower interest rates accounting for high borrowing by the households whenever they take their housing loan out. This trend has been responsible for the rise in the average size of new loans, which results into the rise in the average size of outstanding loans over time. The availability of housing finance has resulted into the rise in the capacity of households to borrow finances (Wilkins & Wooden, 2009). Financial health of households It is noted that the historic sharp increase in the Australia’s disposable income in December 2007 was accounted by the strong rise in the housing debt in Australia over the past fifteen years. It was however, pointed out that only a few households had difficulties in repaying their debt obligations, despite the historic sharp increase in the housing debt in December 2007 (Berry & Dalton, 2009). Impact of the turbulence in global capital market It is significant to note that the housing finance market in Australia has suffered greatly as a result of the global capital markets’ turbulence. This is because half of the total funding for financial institutions in Australia is accounted for by the deposits. The foreign and domestic capital markets the balance in the Australian financial institutions. There has been significant rise in the mortgage rates, and significant change in the markets shares from lenders, due to this, there is limited restriction to the overall supply of housing finance (Berry & Dalton, 2009). Significant reduction in some forms of capital market funding as well as significant rise in the most of the forms of capital market funding have resulted from the turbulence in the financial market. It is however, noted that the impact of the financial market turbulence have been felt in a number of securitization markets. Securitization markets over the past decade or so, have established itself into as a significant source of funding for housing loans in Australia. In mid 2007 for example, outstanding securitization housing finance loans had accounted for 23% (Wilkins & Wooden, 2009). This was a significant rise from the mid 1990s 5% housing finance loans that were securitized. A number of loans from mortgage originators were being securitized. Institutions like credit union, regional banks, and building societies had adopted securitization of their loans since it was a cost effective way of wholesale funding (Wilkins & Wooden, 2009). The onset of the global financial turbulence in July 2007, led to significant close of the securitization market. There were significant rise prime residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) to 75 basis points in December 2007 from approximately 15 basis points in mid-2007. It is imperative to point out that Australia’s Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS) accounted for the issuance of a number of Australian Asset-backed Securities (ABS) that extends on AAA-rated senior tranches (Berry & Dalton, 2009). There was significant spread in the subordinated AAA-rated tranches that increased to approximately 110 basis points from approximately 20 basis points. It is significant to point out that despite the sharp increase in the spreads, investors in Australia has never encountered losses on rated Australian RMBS, coupled with the housing market in Australia remaining healthy. The investors have become more concerned with the product itself, as discounts are attached to all the sales of securitized products. The selling of residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) by several structured investment vehicles (SIVs) has also created excess supply in the secondary market (Berry & Dalton, 2009). Implications for financial stability and monetary policy It significant to point out the access to credit by the household sector has greatly increased courtesy of financial innovation and deregulation. The households in Australia have become more comfortable to take loans owing to the ongoing strong performance of the economy (Berry & Dalton, 2009). Â  The balance sheets of households have remained in good health despite the significant rise in the household debt; this has resulted into significant rise in asset-value capable of offsetting the rise in debt. It is also significant to note that macroeconomic conditions in the economy are also favorable. Â   References Berry, M., & Dalton, T. (2009). Mortgage default in Australia nature, causes and social and economic impacts. Melbourne: AHURI. Wilkins, R., & Wooden, M. (2009). Household Debt In Australia: The Looming Crisis That Isn’t. Australian Economic Review , 42(3), 358-366. Â   Â